마인크래프트 맵/점프맵
마인크래프트 1.12.2 선인장 타워 파쿠르 CACTUS TOWER PARKOUR
모드 선인장 타워 파쿠르 (CACTUS TOWER PARKOUR) 버전 1.12.2 출저 https://www.minecraftmaps.com/parkour-maps/cactus-tower-parkour 마인크래프트 1.12.2 선인장 타워 파쿠르 (CACTUS TOWER PARKOUR) This Parkour map is a 3 layered parkour map inside of a giant cactus! Travel upwards to achieve the final goal in conquering the map. The rules are listed on the map, but we hope you all enjoy. This map was created by the "Frazier fam."..
2020. 2. 28. 19:20