마인크래프트 맵/탈출맵
마인크래프트 1.12.2 감옥 미로 탈출맵 PRISON MAZE
맵 감옥 미로 (PRISON MAZE) 버전 1.12.2 출저 https://www.minecraftmaps.com/maze-maps/prison-maze 마인크래프트 1.12.2 감옥 미로 (PRISON MAZE) Are you up for the challenge? Welcome to Prison Maze! A map created by NICO_THE_PRO and ALEX_CY In this map you'll need to fight the evil creatures that lie inside the maze, try to find the good mobs and bring them into the middle trap! Includes three different click farms and..
2020. 2. 29. 15:46